Nicoletta Cappello
Photo courtesy of the artist.
Nicoletta Cappello (she/her) (based in Sicily/Madrid/Helsinki) is a performing artist, and Doctoral Researcher in the Doctorate in Arts and Education University of Girona (ES) connected to the Chair of Movement and Languages, in co-tutelle with the Department of Education at University of Catania (IT), currently visiting the Artistic Doctorate in Performing Arts at UniArts Helsinki. Nicoletta is Lecturer at the ECC- European Cultural Center for Performance Art and Art Educator at PLANEA- Art and School Network (Spain). She has presented her artistic research work in prestigious venues such as Teatro de la Abadia de Madrid, Matadero Madrid, and Teatro Libero Palermo, being awarded an Extraordinary Award to Creation at the Distance by Theatre Lluire Barcelona, the Residency Award Citofonare PimOFF, and the Residency Award of Fabra I Coats Barcelona-Centre for Contemporary Creation, among others.
Advisor: MFA