Frank Andrew Scott
Photo courtesy of the artist
Born on the plains of Oklahoma, and raised in the mountains of Colorado, Frank Andrew Scott’s childhood was spent mostly outdoors. Raised in a family that valued the outdoors lifestyle and took great advantage of the National and State Parks system of the United States, the landscape has always played a monumental role in his life. As he grew older and it became obvious that he would not be making the Olympic Ski Team, or be riding in the Tour De France, he traded in the skis and he bicycles for a shot at a career with an even less of a chance of success. He went to art school and studied landscape painting.
After graduating from the Kansas City Art Institute, where he was lucky enough to be in the final class of the legendary teacher Wilbur Niewald, he almost immediately fell into a career as a scenic artist and camera scenic for the Motion Picture Industry. This career gave him the opportunity to travel the country, and the world, working on everything from low budget art films to Academy Award winning feature films. As a camera scenic, he has had the privilege of standing right behind the camera and looking through the lens of dozens of incredibly talented cinematographers as well as watch the magic of some of the best lighting technicians. These many years of a privileged viewpoint definitely informed his own work. When the cameras transitioned from film to digital, he transitioned from painting to photography. He is now combining his lifelong love of being outdoors in the landscape and his extensive experience of working for the camera by photographing the dystopian environment of the Los Angeles River.
MFA 2023