What Knots Knot Knots - A Transart Creative Research Symposium
[1] Zachary Fabri, Mourning Stutter, 2017. [2] Rodrigo Valenzuela, Institute of Queer Ecology, 2020.
Transart is pleased to present a Creative Research Symposium in New York:
What Knots Knot Knots
Saturday, November 19th at 2PM
The 8th Floor, 17 West 17th Street, New York, NY
"What Knots Knot Knots" is an invitation to think about the ways in which knotting and unknotting are active practices that build and shape creative research, revealing attachments between/with materiality, epistemologies, ecologies and socio-political affinities and tensions. Thinking about Andean khipus (lengths of knotted fibre) as a record keeping device and a form of writing, we will consider knots as keepers of memory, points of contact and entanglement, and sites for the thickening of attachments towards world-building. Through talks, reading, performance, video, discussion and sound contibutions, participants will consider Haraway's entreaty that "it matters...what knots knot knots."
Full program can be found here