15:00 - 19:00 UTC
workshop - deep dive/creative flow
with syowia kyambi
Sunday, 24 mar 2024
15:00 - 15:45 UTC
16:00 - 19:00 UTC
mfa group meeting
with syowia kyambi
sunday quiddities
Saturday, 30 Mar 2024
15:00 - 16:00 UTC
public talk - wicked worlding
the rodina
Detail Image of Studio during the INHABIT residency program at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany, 2022. Courtesy Syowia Kyambi.
workshop - deep dive / creative flow
with syowia kyambi
In this intensive workshop session, we embark on a journey of self-re-discovery and creative exploration. The day is divided into two halves, each designed to nurture and enhance the artistic practices of our diverse group. Dedicated time is allocated for creative work, providing an opportunity to delve into individual projects while receiving support from peers. The second half shifts focus to writing, with guided prompts for reflection on the creative process or thesis development. Breakout discussions offer space for in-depth conversations about participants' evolving practices and writing endeavors. The day concludes with a collective moment of reflection, allowing for shared insights and mutual encouragement. Through this immersive experience, participants will cultivate a supportive community and gain valuable insights to enrich their artistic and academic pursuits.
SITE | bio
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The Rodina, Design Museum London, 2019
public talk -
wicked worlding
with the rodina
What are our roles, responsibilities, and capacities as situated world-makers? How can we design situations and environments that encourage activity and participation leading toward the transformation in a viewer or a social context? During this talk, Amsterdam-based designer Tereza Ruller (The Rodina) tries to answer these questions by introducing a range of methods and approaches –including performativity, embodiment, and processuality. These techniques allow designers to go beyond the traditional boundaries of graphic design and embrace inclusivity, challenge norms, resist power structures, and convey previously marginalized stories. Undoubtedly, Wicked Worlding positions communication design as a performative world-making practice!