15:00 - 19:00 UTC
MFA Seminar LJMU - Planning your Research and Practice – Using Goal Setting and Timelines as Fluid Tools for Change
John byrne
Sunday, 29 Oct 2023
16:00 - 18:00 UTC
18:15 - 20:15 UTC
workshop - The Body at Home
Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo
sunday quiddities
Planning your Research and Practice – Using Goal Setting and Timelines as Fluid Tools for Change
Project Planning is, more often than not, seen as the ‘thing’ that can kill creativity. After all, how can you know at the beginning of a long-term research and practice project what you are going to do? However, this session will argue that setting clear, focused and achievable aims and objectives can act as a means to enhance and expand the range, focus and effectiveness of research and practice project.
Through a series of discussion, planning and feedback/feedforward workshops, this session will provide participants with an opportunity to creatively plan their research and practice projects forward to (and beyond) the duration of their MFA in Creative Practice, to align these to creative goals and ambitions, and to ‘think back’ from this point to identify what the next, small and concrete steps for achieving these goals might be.
Bio | Website
The Body at Home
with Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo
Photo: David Hike / Courtesy of Nicolas Dumit Estevez Rail
In this experiential workshop, primarily centered on listening to our bodies and becoming aware of the place we claim as home at this very moment, participants are invited to respond to writing prompts as well as to move within the actual spaces that we are currently inhabiting. The concepts of this online gathering have emerged as a result of the recent lockdowns and isolation periods that a great majority of us have experienced because of the Covid pandemic. In many cases, the image of home has fluctuated from a locus of safety and survival to one some of us may have thought to flee in search of wider views of the horizon and closer contact with lover/mother Earth.