Phd may session
Saturday, 25 may 2024
15:30 - 18:30 UTC
guest intro and braver spaces check in
workshop - The Unrepeating-repeat: Repetition as Tactic for Aspect Seeing
danica maier
Sunday, 26 may 2024
00:00 - 01:00 UTC
guest intro and braver spaces check-in
Public Talk - creative nonfiction and the genre of the thesis
Robyn Ferrell
15:00 - 18:00 UTC
guest intro and braver spaces check-in
seminar - spatial practices, sonic architectures, and technologies for dialogues
Luca Forcucci
phd workshop - the unrepeating-repeat: repetition as tactic for aspect seeing
with danica maier
D. Maier, 'Score' (No.1), 2018, Backlit Gallery, photo credit Ellen Brady
This workshop includes a performative artist talk, self-led drawing workshop, and group reflective dialogue. The performative lecture intertwines three distinct yet complimentary elements: Maier’s voice, her drawings, and others’ words. It will address the unrepeating-repeat as developed and experienced through Maier’s practice-based research. The presentation delivery connects to J.L. Austin’s speech act - of performing aspect-seeing through the unrepeating-repeat. The importance of repetition with subtle variation is key to the unrepeating-repeat which can operate as soft rebellion or seductive illuminating tool. The unrepeating-repeat will be explored as tactic engaging Ludwig Wittgenstein aspect-seeing. A guided yet self-directed workshop will follow using instructions or score. The workshop's focus will be on repeated acts of drawing, both within and from local environments. Through the practices of slow looking, focused attention, and repetition, participants will create drawings composed of repeated lines.
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syllabus | RECORDING
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phd seminar - spatial practices, sonic architectures and technologies for dialogues
With luca forcucci
Ignacio Aronovich
The seminar approaches the sonic in the arts as a field going beyond listening, involving the whole body, with a focus on the relationships between internal perception (e.g. affect) and external environments (e.g. atmosphere). The seminar explores sonic practices in the arts through historical background; listening practices and strategies; critical practices; sonic architectures; spatial occupations and tactics.
Bio | site
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public talk - creative nonfiction and the genre of the thesis
with robyn ferrel
This public talk looks at how writing techniques taken from creative non-fiction might help in constructing a thesis that is in sympathy with creative research but which at the same time meets the genre demands of academic submissions. It looks at how one can use biographical and personal material alongside reportage and analysis, to produce a cogent and vibrant accompaniment to the creative project.