Phd march session
15:00 - 16:00 UTC
meeting link
16:00 - 19:00 utc
meeting link
workshop - on communication design as performative world-making
the rodina
17:30 - 19:30 UTC
meeting link
workshop - air tasting
alex grünenfelder
public talk - wicked worlding
with the rodina
The Rodina, Design Museum London, 2019
What are our roles, responsibilities, and capacities as situated world-makers? How can we design situations and environments that encourage activity and participation leading toward the transformation in a viewer or a social context? During this talk, Amsterdam-based designer Tereza Ruller (The Rodina) tries to answer these questions by introducing a range of methods and approaches –including performativity, embodiment, and processuality. These techniques allow designers to go beyond the traditional boundaries of graphic design and embrace inclusivity, challenge norms, resist power structures, and convey previously marginalized stories. Undoubtedly, Wicked Worlding positions communication design as a performative world-making practice!
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phd workshop - on communication design as performative world-making
WITH the rodina
The Rodina, Design Museum London, 2019
This workshop will provide a theoretical framework and practical exercises for using performance methods in design. By utilizing a range of techniques and approaches, including performativity, embodiment, and processuality, we will examine how the world is created and recreated. Feeling the urgency to address the current environmental challenges, we will focus on what are our roles, responsibilities, and capacities as situated world-makers. We will deepen the understanding of designers' embeddedness within the material world.
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phd workshop - air tasting
with alex grünenfelder
Alex Grünenfelder
Air Tasting is a practice of studying, presenting and facilitating sensory experiences of the air. The Air Tasting sensory workshop teaches the fundamentals of the Air Tasting method of sensory analysis and its expanded mode of multisensory tasting, with the goal of inspiring an embodied awareness of the air as our shared habitat.
Air Tasting provides an opportunity to explore how we use our senses, starting from the very basic activity of simply observing one’s sensation of the air. Since 2008, Alex Grünenfelder has been presenting workshops where he introduces people to the tasting method, and they explore the aromas and atmospheric phenomena of particular places. This exercise of directed visual, haptic and olfactory perception employs a combination of observation, writing and discussion to engage people in an embodied participatory exploration of the atmosphere as a speculative object.
Please access the course materials (audio guide and workbook) here before the session date:
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syllabus | RECORDING
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